Week-long trips created to deepen community and our understanding of the world around us.


Fall and Spring Excursions

During the rest of the school year, students will have the opportunity to go on two more excursions (one in the fall and one in the spring semesters). These times of travel give students cultural exposure and leadership experiences beyond the classroom. Past fall and spring Excursions have been to New York City, the Cochiti Indian reservation in New Mexico, Washington D.C., Chicago, Colonial Williamsburg, Selma, Birmingham, Yorktown, Vicksburg, and the Grand Canyon.

True community is built when lives are shared all day, multiple days on end.

During the year, students and faculty embark on three, week-long trips. Each year holds different destinations because we try to match what we are learning in our morning courses with where and what we see and do on our trips.


Our first day of school is the day we head out on our first trip.

Typically, this looks like engaging in activities and experiences in the mountains and on the rivers of Colorado. This allows for student-to-student and student-to-mentor bonding, creates deep relational connections, build bridges between ages, and starts the year off with a life-changing experience that sets the tone for the rest of the year!